Association of Electrical Engineering Graduates from the National University of the East (AIEE-UNE)
This non-profit civil association is a representative body for the common interests of graduates of the electrical engineering program at the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of the East.
Some objectives of AIEE-UNE:
- Promote the professional growth of all members of AIEE-UNE.
- Integrate the members of the various generations of FP-UNE graduates, seeking to foster a spirit of solidarity, cooperation, communication, and knowledge among its associates, as well as between them and FP-UNE; and in general, among them with the entire University Community and Society.
- Collaborate and maintain relationships with those associations and groups that pursue similar or compatible goals, either in Paraguay or abroad.
- Serve as a forum for expression, meeting and consultation of its members.
- Establish links between associates and FP-UNE.
- Contribute to the constant improvement of the program to achieve Academic Excellence.
- Promote the professional growth of associates by promoting workshops, specializations, postgraduate studies, masters degrees, and doctorates.
- Participate actively in discussions on topics related to the electrical sector.
- Obtain agreements with other institutions and associations.
- Dignify the associates in matters of common interest before society.
- Participate in social responsibility campaigns that promote community improvement.
- Carry out, promote, disseminate, and receive advice, assistance, studies, consultations, and research related to any topic or specialty, which are carried out by individuals, private organizations, public, social, national or foreign organizations, and, in general, any kind of services related to the other objectives of the association.
Board Members of the Association
President: Eng. Jorge Ramos
Vice President: Eng. José Romero
Secretary: Eng. Juan Ramírez (†)
Treasurer: Eng. Daniel Chávez
Assistant Treasurer: Eng. Ruth Álvarez
Regular Members
- Ing. Guzmán Vera
- Ing. Gilberto Domínguez
- Ing. Derlis Olmedo
- Ing. Mario Lautenschlager
- Ing. José María Portillo
- Ing. Rubén Báez Reyes
- Ing. Gustavo Arias
- Ing. Carlos Hugo González
- Ing. Romina Quintana
- Ing. Víctor Ibán Ledesma
Members substitutes
- Ing. Félix Barrios
- Ing. Ariel Jara
- Ing. Wilder Mereles
- Ing. Esteban Vargas
- Ing. Carlos Villar
- Ing. Hector Ferreira
- Ing. Jorge Arrúa
- Ing. Domingo Maldonado
- Ing. Víctor Chanel Villalba
Phone: +595973 502 467