Desarrollo de Sistemas para Ambiente Internet con tecnología orientada a objetos

The Faculty of Engineering at the National University of the East, fulfilling its institutional mission, presents the Specialization Program in System Development for Internet Environments with Object-Oriented Technology. The program aims to continue updating professionals in the field of computer science on object-oriented technologies applied in all elements of software engineering related to internet environments.

This program of study allows for the training of a new generation of web professionals who master the creative techniques related to both front-end and back-end development. Front-end refers to the part of software that interacts with the user, and back-end refers to the part that processes the input from the front-end. Through the application of development and web page design tools using agile, scalable, and productive methodologies, as well as standards and new semantic languages such as HTML5, the program focuses on developing and customizing professional applications, integrating techniques for the development and presentation of content on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, using HTML5, AJAX, PHP, MySQL, and other technologies.

Target audience:

Graduates of Systems Analysis, Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, and professionals with a related degree.

General Objective:

To provide a multidisciplinary training that offers a detailed view of the entire process of creating a System for Internet Environments.

Graduate Profile:

Aligned with the programs general objective, the graduate in System Development for Internet Environments with Object-Oriented Technology will be able to develop computer systems for internet environments using object-oriented technologies, as well as work on multidisciplinary projects and stay updated with new emerging techniques.

Duration of the specialization: 9 months for the development of modules, plus the completion of a final project.

Start date: July 10, 2021.

Class schedule: Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Modality: Distance learning during the COVID-19 sanitary restrictions.

Workload: 414 clock hours.

Number of modules: 11, with each module being developed over 3 Saturdays.


Cash payment: Gs. 7,000,000

Financed: Registration fee of Gs. 2,000,000 and 8 installments of Gs. 750,000.

Enrollment is open!

No. Module Workload


Web Project Management

24 hours



24 hours


Research Methodology

24 hours


Object-Oriented Programming and Java Basics

24 hours


Unified Modeling Language (UML)

24 hours


Object Persistence

24 hours


Java Web (Servlets - JSP)

24 hours


JEE Platform - Corporate Applications

24 hours


Service-Oriented Architecture

24 hours


New Web Technologies (HTML5, AJAX, JQuery)

24 hours


Introduction to Mobile Application Development

24 hours


Final Course Project

120 hours


Total Workload

414 hours

Academic and Teaching Staff

Academic Coordinator

  • Prof. José Eduardo Rojas Coppari

Teaching Staff

  • Prof. Osvaldo Miguel González Prieto
  • Prof. Aldo Ariel Gómez Ortega
  • Prof. Gabriela Matilde Bobadilla de Almada
  • Prof. Obdulia Lorena Franco Araujo
  • Prof. Hugo Alberto Casco Amarilla
  • Prof. Marcos Adrián Jara Rodriguez
  • Prof. Fabiano Damin
  • Prof. Fabio López Pires
  • Prof. Cecilia Casco Romero