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Maestria en informática y Computación


Big Data technologies are starting to enable companies/institutions to adopt them and begin to value data analysis in their daily operations through data management. Big Data focuses on the development of data software (volume), data generated in real-time and/or that needs to be processed to respond in real-time (velocity), and data with heterogeneous structure and nature. Meanwhile, Data Science focuses on the intelligent analysis of this data, designing analytical models, the mathematics for problem formulation and their coded expression for machines, and domain knowledge (knowing the functional area of the company and its applicability), which become equally fundamental.

Target audience:

Systems Analysts, Computer Engineers, Software Engineers, and other disciplines related to computer science.


Distance learning.


945 hours.

Number of modules:

13 (thirteen)


Gs. 11,000,000 (Eleven million guaraníes).




Email: postgrado.fpune@fpune.edu.py, postgrado.fpune@gmail.com

Phone: 0973548421

Module Hourly Load

Big Data for Business Applications.

55 hours

Business Intelligence and Decision Making.

55 hours

Engineering and Data Science for Social Networks.

55 hours

Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing.

55 hours

Data Visualization.

55 hours

Data Mining and Intelligent Systems.

55 hours

Legal Aspects of Data Use and Security.

55 hours

Techniques for Information Discovery in Scientific Databases.

55 hours

Recommendation Systems and Decision Support.

55 hours

Computer Security and Cybersecurity.

55 hours

Epistemology of Research.

55 hours

Research Methodology. Thesis Workshop.

55 hours

Masters Final Project.

55 hours


175 hours

Total Hourly Load

945 hours