Maestria en informática y Computación


Data Science and Big Data represent a revolution that is already changing the way businesses, healthcare, politics, education, and innovation are done. Data is the key element for any organization, without data management, value cannot be generated or strategies implemented that allow organizations to achieve their goals.

This Masters program, with an emphasis on Data Science and Intelligent Systems, has a professional and research orientation aimed at training highly qualified professionals for the practice of Big Data and Data Science.

Target audience:

The Masters program in Computer Science and Computing with an emphasis on Data Science and Intelligent Systems is especially aimed at graduates of degrees in Computer Science, Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering or related qualifications, such as Software Engineering, Computers, etc.

General objective

The objective of the Masters program in Computer Science and Computing is for students to learn the complete Data Analysis/Data Science cycle: from raw data, with its selection, capture, and storage; through analysis using machine learning techniques and statistical methods, its visualization and dashboard construction, and its application to common Data Analysis/Data Science problems, complying with legal regulations for their use, and applying all this to business management.

Graduate profile

The competencies of the graduate of the Masters program in Computer Science and Computing with an emphasis on Data Science and Intelligent Systems will be those of a professional capable of:

  • Optimally collecting and storing information, which can be of any type (numeric, text, images, video, others), and which will be affected by the 5 Vs: velocity, variety, volume, value, and veracity.
  • Visualizing this information to extract behavioral patterns within the data.
  • Establishing repetitive groupings/patterns and behavior rules of the data.
  • Determining prediction models to establish future behaviors.
  • Analyzing and managing business risks using Big Data.
  • Improving the companys reputation and positioning through data analysis.

Duration of the Masters program: 24 months.

Class schedule: Fridays from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Modality: Distance learning, during the validity of COVID-19 health restrictions.

Workload: 900 clock hours.

Number of modules: 15 (fifteen).


Payment in full: USD 4,500 (four thousand five hundred US dollars)

Admission Requirements

For UNE graduates:

  • Simple photocopy of:
  • Civil identity card.
  • Academic records.
  • Undergraduate degree certificate registered with the MEC.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Two color passport-sized photos.
  • One hanging folder.
  • Payment of the corresponding fee.

For graduates from other universities:

  • Authenticated photocopy by a notary public or the General Secretariat of:
  • Civil identity card.
  • Academic records.
  • Undergraduate degree certificate registered with the MEC.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Two color passport-sized photos.
  • One hanging folder.
  • Payment of the corresponding fee.


Field of Study Module Hourly Load

Data Science

Big Data for Business Applications.

55 hours

Engineering and Data Science for Social Networks.

55 hours

Data Mining and Intelligent Systems.

55 hours

Data Visualization.

55 hours

Business Forecasting.

55 hours

Techniques for Information Discovery in Scientific Databases.

55 hours

Recommendation Systems and Decision Support.

60 hours


Business Intelligence and Decision Making.

55 hours

Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing.

55 hours

Computer Security and Cybersecurity.

55 hours


Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Management Skills.

55 hours

Legal Aspects of Data Use and Security.

55 hours

Applications of Big Data to Reputational Intelligence.

55 hours


Research Methodology. Applications of Data Science.

60 hours



120 hours

Total Hourly Load


900 hours

Teaching staff

  • Dr. José Ignacio Peláez Sánchez - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Ing. M. Sc. Eustaquio Alcides Martínez Jara – Universidad Nacional del Este, Paraguay.
  • Dr. José M. Merigo Lindahl - Universidad de Chile, Chile.
  • Dr. David Luis La Red Martínez - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina.
  • Dr. Francisco Luna Valero - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Dr. José Antonio Gómez Ruiz - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Magíster Pablo Sánchez Núñez - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Dr. Luis Vargas - Universidad de Pittsburg, Estados Unidos.
  • Dr. Enrique Herrera Viedma - Universidad de Granada, España.
  • Dr. Luis Martínez López - Universidad de Jaén, España.
  • Dr. Jesús Doña Fernández - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Dr. Ángel Alloza Losana - Universidad de Málaga, España.
  • Dr. Gustavo Fabián Vaccaro Witt - Universidad de Málaga, España.