Licenciatura en Turismo
Duration: 4.5 years
Modality: Undergraduate degree
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Tourism
Academic Unit of dependence: Polytechnic Faculty
To position the graduate professional through academic excellence based on comprehensive education, in strategic positions in the labor market, as a protagonist in achieving objectives and sustainable development, as an independent professional or as part of an organization.
To educate professionals with scientific, technical, and human training oriented to serve the national and international tourism sector, in order to provide adequate responses to social, environmental and tourism sustainability requirements.
To train professionals with a critical and entrepreneurial spirit, proactive and with the ability to perform efficiently and effectively in the tourism job market. Additionally, to identify needs and trends in the market, develop projects, promote the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and use technologies for the development of their activities and for their constant professional updating.
The Bachelor of Tourism is a professional capable of:
- Possessing a critical and entrepreneurial vision of the tourism phenomenon that allows him/her to perform in the different areas of it, with theoretical-practical training
- Developing planning, management, execution, and evaluation skills in entrepreneurial projects for tourism companies
- Communicating orally and in writing in official languages of the country
- Contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, as well as to the growth of the economy, with a humanistic vision and ethical values
- Managing, directing, and administering public or private sector companies
- Formulating, implementing, and managing projects that allow the development of tourism at the local, regional, and national levels, making it a sustainable and profitable activity
- Possessing skills in interpersonal relationships and ability to work in teams
- Developing creativity and critical-reflexive thinking
- Possessing skills for research and continuous updating
- Demonstrating interest in environmental issues
The graduate of the Bachelors Degree in Tourism from the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of the East will be characterized by a critical and entrepreneurial vision of the tourism phenomenon, to develop planning, management, execution, and evaluation skills in entrepreneurship for tourism companies, contributing to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, as well as to the growth of the economy.
At the same time, the Tourism graduate will be able to work in different areas of the tourism market, capable of managing, directing and administering companies in the public or private sector, as well as formulating, implementing and managing projects that allow the development of Tourism at the local, regional and national levels, making it a sustainable and profitable activity.
The graduate can efficiently work as an employee or as a Director, Owner, or Manager in the following organizations:
- Travel Agencies and Tour Operators.
- Hotels.
- Tourism Consultants.
- National Tourism Secretariat and other Government Entities, Municipalities, Governorates, Binational Entities.
- Air and Land Transport Companies.
- Event Organizing Companies.
- Gastronomic Establishments.
- Entertainment Companies.
- Marketing and Advertising Companies.
- Airports and terminals for peoples access.
- Non-governmental organizations.
- Research and teaching.
They can do it in different fields related to tourism, such as:
- Private Sector: Companies in the sector.
- Public Sector: Tourism Secretariats of Municipalities, Governorates.
- Multinational corporations.
- Public-Private Partnership projects.
They can also work as an independent professional in roles such as:
- Consultant for tourism sector companies.
- Researcher.
- Responsible for the development of area projects, which can be presented in different contexts and be responsible for executing those projects.
- Technical advisor for companies/institutions.
Competências Genéricas:
- Capacidade de abstração, análise e síntese para lidar com uma visão geral das comunicações dos serviços oficiais e privados de Turismo.
- Capacidade de aprender e atualizar-se permanentemente, aplicando os conhecimentos adquiridos na prática, trabalhando em equipe e em ambientes interdisciplinares, desenvolvendo habilidades para se adaptar a novas situações que permitam tomar decisões acertadas ao interagir com diferentes atores do turismo na busca do desenvolvimento sustentável, sem prejuízo do meio ambiente, com sensibilidade para o reconhecimento, preservação e resgate do patrimônio cultural e natural.
- Capacidade de organizar, planejar o tempo, criar, ser proativo e inovador, bem como ter habilidades para aprender e trabalhar de forma autônoma na busca da excelência em seu desenvolvimento pessoal, social e profissional, com responsabilidade social e compromisso cidadão, comprometendo-se com seu meio ambiente socio-cultural, adotando um compromisso ético, de valorização e respeito à diversidade e multiculturalidade.
- Capacidade de compreensão e comunicação oral básica nos idiomas oficiais e de compreensão e utilização de vocabulário técnico em línguas estrangeiras.
- Capacidade de trabalhar em contextos internacionais em empresas turísticas, gerenciar projetos de trabalho, desenvolver habilidades interpessoais e de liderança, sempre motivando a busca pela qualidade, desenvolvendo a capacidade de identificar e resolver problemas.
- Capacidade de pesquisa científica com capacidade crítica e autocrítica.
- Habilidades no uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação.
Specific Skills:
- Understand the importance of the tourism phenomenon.
- Correctly use the two official languages of our country.
- Use English as a foreign language.
- Develop the understanding and application of acquired knowledge for decision-making in problem-solving.
- Preserve natural and socio-cultural resources for the development of sustainable tourism.
- Identify trends and opportunities within the tourism system; and establish strategies to develop it.
- Analyze, evaluate, and diagnose situations of tourism development projects based on the identification of market opportunities and/or needs.
- Develop, execute, and evaluate tourism development projects based on the identification of market opportunities and/or needs.
- Apply action mechanisms to perform efficiently in different market segments.
- Develop an entrepreneurial spirit.
- Create, disseminate, and promote tourism products and services through appropriate information technologies.
- Value natural and cultural heritage, protecting our national identity and our natural resources.
- Apply strategies for the administration, management, and direction of tourism companies, public or private, national or foreign, that develop activities directly or indirectly related to tourism.
- Understand the principles of tourism: its spatial, social, cultural, legal, political, labor, and economic dimensions, and apply them efficiently in service delivery.
- Develop tourism-related activities with a marked customer service orientation.
- Manage financial resources from the State and private tourism companies.
- Understand a public tourism plan and determine the opportunities that derive from it for the private sector involved.
- Plan and propose tourism facilities and infrastructure in accordance with current social and environmental regulations, needs, and demands.
- Possess interpersonal and proactive leadership skills and critical reflection with an ethical commitment.
- Possess the ability to critically and self-critically reflect and to update permanently.
- Develop the ability to develop, analyze, execute, and evaluate tourism projects.
Meet the requirements established in the faculty regulations.
For graduation from the program, the student must:
- Have taken at least one of the selective optional subjects.
- Completed 50 hours of extension activities.
- Fulfilled the total workload of 2960 hours.
- Completed the Supervised Internship of 240 hours and submitted a written report on it, which must be approved.
- Passed all the courses in the study plan.
- Submit and defend a FINAL DEGREE PROJECT, which must be approved by an examining board.
Lic. Mhirta Elena Ramos
Coordinadora de la carrera de Licenciatura en Turismo
Int. 238
Lic. Silvia Valdez
Asistente de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Turismo
Int. 238
Marcos Santander
Asistente Académico
Int. 238
Diego Zaracho Medina
Asistente Académico
Int. 238